
Introducing TAfinder - the one-stop solution for all your Teaching Assistant (TA) selection needs.

As an NUS School Of Computing (SOC) professor, with TAfinder, you can easily:

  1. Manage troves of TA applicants.
  2. Make more informed decisions with the help of our compare and sort functions.
  3. Import data to the TAfinder application.

TAfinder utilises a Command Line Interface (CLI), while still enjoying the benefits of a Graphical User Interface (GUI), for a more efficient user experience.

So say goodbye to the days of manually sifting through hundreds of TA applications. Enrich your TA selection process with the power of TAfinder today!

About This Guide

This guide shows you the relevant information for setting up and using TAfinder to manage your TA applications.

You can click on any of the links below to navigate to the respective sections for more information.

Table of Contents

  1. Overview
  2. About This Guide
  3. Table of Contents
  4. Quick start
    1. Prerequisites
      1. Java
      2. Glossary
    2. Installation
    3. Utilisation
    4. Navigating the User Interface
  5. Features
    1. Basic applicant management
      1. Adding an applicant: add
      2. Editing an applicant: edit
      3. Deleting an applicant: delete
      4. Listing all applicant: list
      5. Viewing the details of a single applicant: view
      6. Hiding an applicant from list: hide/unhide
      7. Clearing all applicants: clear
      8. Exiting the application: exit
    2. Applicant evaluation & comparison
      1. Sorting applicants by GPA: sort
      2. Comparing 2 applicants: compare
      3. Bookmarking applicants: bookmark/unbookmark
      4. Commenting on applicant: comment
    3. Files and data management
      1. Importing applicants from spreadsheet: import
      2. Attaching file to applicant profiles: attach
  6. Data Management
    1. Saving the data
    2. Editing the data file
  7. FAQ
  8. Known Issues
  9. Summary
    1. Prefix Summary
    2. Command Summary
      1. Basic applicant management
      2. Applicant comparison and evaluation
      3. Data import and management

Quick start



Ensure you have Java 11 or above installed. Java is the language that your computer uses to understand TAfinder.

:bulb: Not sure how to check your Java version?

Step 1. Open up Command Prompt (Windows) or Terminal (Mac and Linux).

Step 2. Type and run the command java -version.

Step 3. Check the version number provided (xxx) is at least 11.

An example is shown below:

  > java -version
  java version "xxx" <Other information>


Words/Abbreviations Explanation
TA Teaching Assistant.
Applicant Applicant refers to a student who has applied as a TA.
Mainstream OS Windows, Linux or Mac.
CLI Command-Line Interface.
GUI Graphical User Interface.
Toast A popup alert to inform users about certain information.
Tag Tags are associated with applicants, users can tag applicants with any keyword they want, the number of tags are not restricted.


Step 1. Download the latest tafinder.jar file from here.

Step 2. Copy the file to the folder you want to use as the home folder for your TAfinder.

Step 3. Double-click on the tafinder.jar file to start the TAfinder app.

:bulb: TAfinder does not open?

Step 1. Open a command terminal.

Step 2. Navigate to the location of the tafinder.jar file.

Step 3. Type in java -jar (Keep in mind of the space at the end).

Step 4. Drag and drop tafinder.jar into the command terminal.

Step 5. Press enter and execute the command.

An example of the final command is displayed below:

  > java -jar xxxx/xxxx/tafinder.jar

The GUI similar to the below should appear in a few seconds: Ui


Step 1: Type the command in the Command Input Box and press Enter to execute it. e.g. typing help and pressing Enter will open the help window.
Some example commands you can try:

  • list : Lists all applicants.

  • add s/A0251647W n/Harry Lee p/89064678 e/harry@example.com g/4.3 pg/A : Adds an applicant named “Harry Lee” to the list.

  • delete 3 : Deletes the 3rd applicant shown in the current list.

  • clear : Deletes all applicants.

  • exit : Exits the app.

Step 2: Observe the changes to the application.

:bulb: Not sure what the commands above do?

  • Find all about the usable commands here.
  • Look at a summary of all the usable commands here.
  • Return to the Table of Contents to find your desired command.

UI with shaded areas

The UI has the following areas:

  • Navigation Bar
    • This is where you can navigate to the File and Help menus.
  • Command Input Box
    • This is where commands are typed.
    • Press Enter to execute it.
  • Command Result Screen
    • This is where the result of entering a command is displayed.
  • Applicant List
    • This is where the list of applicants is displayed.
  • Applicant Viewing Box
    • This is where the details of the selected applicant is displayed after the command view is executed.

:bulb: Not sure what view does?

  • Find out more about view here.


:information_source: Notes about the command format:

  • Words in UPPER_CASE are the parameters to be supplied by the user.
    e.g. add n/NAME,
    NAME is a parameter which can be used as add n/John Doe.

  • Items in square brackets are optional.
    e.g. n/NAME [t/TAG] ,
    can be used as n/John Doe t/friend or as n/John Doe.

  • Items with ​ after them can be used zero or more times.
    e.g. [t/TAG]…​,
    can be used as ` ` (i.e. 0 times), t/friend, t/friend t/family etc.

  • Parameters can be in any order.
    e.g. if the command specifies n/NAME p/PHONE_NUMBER,
    p/PHONE_NUMBER n/NAME is also acceptable.

  • Extraneous parameters will be ignored.
    e.g. if the command specifies help 123, it will be interpreted as help.

  • If you are using a PDF version of this document, be careful when copying and pasting commands that span multiple lines as space characters surrounding line-breaks may be omitted when copied over to the application.

Basic applicant management

Adding an applicant: add



  • s/STUDENT_NUMBER: Student number of the applicant.
  • n/NAME: Name of the applicant.
  • p/PHONE: Phone number of the applicant.
  • e/EMAIL: Email address of the applicant.
  • g/GPA: GPA of the applicant.
  • pg/PREVIOUS_GRADE: Previous grade of the applicant.
  • [is/INTERVIEW_SCORE]: Interview score of the applicant.
  • [c/COMMENT]: Comments for the applicant.
  • [t/TAG]: Tags of the applicant.

:bulb: You can add more than 1 tag to an applicant by adding more t/TAG parameters.


add s/A0251647W n/amanda p/89064678 e/amanda@example.com g/4.3 pg/A

  • Adds an applicant with the following information:
    • Student number: A0251647W
    • Name: Amanda
    • Phone number: 89064678
    • Email address: amanda@example.com
    • GPA: 4.3
    • Previous grade: A

add s/A0269357C n/john doe p/91234567 e/johndoe@example.com g/5.0 pg/A- is/8.9 c/Hardworking t/pastTA t/deanslist

  • Adds an applicant with the following information:
    • Student number: A0269357C
    • Name: John Doe
    • Phone number: 91234567
    • Email address: johndoe@example.com
    • GPA: 5.0
    • Previous grade: A-
    • Interview score: 8.9
    • Comment: Hardworking
    • Tags: pastTA, deanslist

Following the example above, if you entered everything correctly, you should see the following:


Expected Outputs:

  • Successfully added an applicant.
  • Confirmation message:
    New applicant added: Student number: <student number>; Name: <name>; Phone: <phone>; Email: <email>; GPA: <gpa>; Previous grade: <previous grade>; [Interview score: <interview score>]; [Comment: <comment>]; [Tags: <tags>].

Erroneous Outputs:

Invalid command format:
Invalid command format!
add: Adds an applicant to the list. Parameters: s/STUDENT NUMBER n/NAME p/PHONE e/EMAIL g/GPA pg/PREV GRADE [is/INTERVIEW SCORE] [c/COMMENT] [t/TAG]...
Example: add s/A0343434C n/John Doe p/98765432 e/johnd@example.com g/4.9 pg/A is/9.1 c/Hardworking and diligent t/pastTA

Repeated applicant:
This applicant already exists in the applicant list.

Editing an applicant: edit



  • INDEX: The index of the applicant to edit. The index must be a positive integer (e.g., 1, 2, 3…).

  • [optional fields]: At least one of the following optional fields must be provided for editing:

    • s/STUDENT NUMBER: Student number of the applicant.
    • n/NAME: Name of the applicant.
    • p/PHONE: Phone number of the applicant.
    • e/EMAIL: Email address of the applicant.
    • g/GPA: GPA of the applicant.
    • pg/PREVIOUS_GRADE: Previous grade of the applicant.
    • c/comment: Comment of the applicant.
    • is/INTERVIEW_SCORE: Interview score of the applicant.
    • t/TAG: Tags of the applicant. Note that editing tags will replace existing tags; it is not cumulative.
    • To remove all existing tags, use t/ without specifying any tags after it.


edit 1 p/91234567 e/johndoe@example.com

  • Edits the following fields of the first person in the list:
    • Phone number: 91234567
    • Email address: johndoe@example.com

edit 2 n/Alex Yeoh t/

  • Edits the following fields of the second person in the list:
    • Name: Betsy Crower
    • Clears all existing tags

Following the example above, if you entered everything correctly, you should see the following:

edit function UI

Expected Outputs:

  • Successfully edited an applicant.
  • Confirmation message:
    Edited applicant: Student number: <student number>; Name: <name>; Phone: <phone>; Email: <email>; GPA: <gpa>; Comment: <comment>; Tags: <tags>

Erroneous Outputs:

Invalid command format:
Invalid command format!
edit: Edits the details of the applicant identified by the index number used in the displayed applicant list. Existing values will be overwritten by the input values.
Parameters: INDEX (must be a positive integer) [n/NAME] [p/PHONE] [e/EMAIL] [g/GPA] [c/COMMENT] [t/TAG]...
Example: edit 1 p/91234567 e/johndoe@example.com

Index out of range:
Error: Invalid index. Please enter an index within range.

Deleting an applicant: delete

delete function UI


delete INDEX

INDEX: The index corresponding to the applicant to be deleted. The index must be a positive integer (e.g., 1, 2, 3…).


delete 3

  • Deletes the third applicant in the list.

Expected Outputs:

  • Successfully deleted an applicant.
  • Confirmation message:
    Deleted applicant: Student number: <student number>; Name: <name>; Phone: <phone>; Email: <email>; GPA: <gpa>; Comment: <comment> ; Tags: <tags>.

Erroneous Outputs:

Missing index:
Invalid command format!
delete: Displays the applicant identified by the index number used in the displayed applicant list.
Parameters: INDEX (must be a positive integer)
Example: delete 1

Index out of range:
Error: Invalid index. Please enter an index within range.

Listing all applicant: list


list / list hidden / list bookmarked


  • Shows a list of all applicants.


list hidden

  • Shows a list of all hidden applicants.


list bookmarked

  • Shows a list of all bookmarked applicants.


Viewing the details of a single applicant: view

Displays the details of a specified applicant in the details panel.


view INDEX

INDEX: The index corresponding to the applicant you want to be displayed. The index must be a positive integer (e.g., 1, 2, 3…).


view 3

  • Displays the following details about the third applicant.
    • Name
    • Tags
    • Phone number
    • Email Address
    • GPA
    • Previous Grade
    • Interview Score
    • Comments
    • Attachments

Following the example above, if you entered everything correctly, you should see the following:

view function UI

Expected Outputs:

Sample display of the details of an applicant:

  • Name: John Doe
  • Tags: pastTA, deansList
  • Phone Number: 91234567
  • Email Address: johndoe@example.come
  • GPA: 5.0
  • Previous Grade: A
  • Interview Scorw (optional): 8
  • Comment (optional): Good fit, has teaching experience
  • Attachments: Resume.pdf

Confirmation message:

Erroneous Outputs:

Missing index:
Invalid command format!
view: Displays the applicant identified by the index number used in the displayed applicant list.
Parameters: INDEX (must be a positive integer)
Example: view 1

Index out of range:
"Error: Invalid index. Please enter an index within range."

Hiding an applicant from list: hide/unhide

Hides/unhides an applicant from the list of applicants.


hide INDEX / unhide INDEX / unhide-all

hide INDEX

  • Hides the applicant at the specified INDEX from all future lists. The index refers to the number shown in the displayed person list.</br> Index must be a positive integer (e.g. 1, 2, 3…).


unhide INDEX

  • Unhides the applicant at the specified INDEX from all future lists. The index refers to the number shown in the displayed person list. </br> Index must be a positive integer (e.g. 1, 2, 3…).



  • Unhides all applicants that were previously hidden.



hide 2

  • Hides the applicant at index 2.

list hidden followed by unhide 2

  • Lists all hidden applicants, then unhides the applicant at index 2 in the list of hidden applicants.


  • Unhides all applicants.

Expected Outputs:

  • Successfully hidden an applicant.
  • Confirmation message:
    Applicant <name>; Phone: <phone>; Email: <email>; GPA: <gpa>; Comment: <comment>; Tags: <tags> hidden from lists.

Erroneous Outputs:

Missing index:
Invalid command format!
hide: Hides an applicant, identified by the index number used in the last list, from all future lists of applicants.
Parameter: INDEX (must be a positive integer)
Example: hide 1

Index out of range:
Error: Invalid index. Please enter an index within range.

Clearing all applicants: clear

Clears your entire list of applicants.



Following the example above, if you entered everything correctly, you should see the following:

Before After
clear function UI clear function UI

Expected Outputs:

  • Successfully cleared all applicants.
  • Confirmation message:
    Applicant list has been cleared!

Exiting the application: exit

Exits the application, while ensuring all your changes are saved.



Expected Outputs:

  • Application closes.

Applicant evaluation & comparison

Sorting applicants by GPA: sort

Sorts applicants by a designated field.

Before After
sortUI sortUI


sort FIELD

FIELD: The field that applicants are sorted by.

  • Valid fields: name, studentNo, gpa, previousGrade, interviewScore, comment, phone, email, tags

Expected Output:

  • A sorted list of applicants.

Erroneous Outputs:

Empty list:
No applicants to sort.

Comparing 2 applicants: compare

Compares two applicants side by side to make informed decisions.

TAfinder window Popup window
compareUI compare_popupUI


compare INDEX1 INDEX2

INDEX1: The index of the first applicant to compare.

INDEX2: The index of the second applicant to compare.

Both indices must be a positive integer (e.g., 1, 2, 3…), and should not be the same.


compare 1 2

  • Compares the first and second applicants.

Expected Outputs:

  • Successfully compare two applicants.
  • Confirmation message:
    Comparison successful!
  • A side-by-side comparison of the two applicants is displayed in a user-friendly format.
  • This comparison window will include:
    • Student number
    • Name
    • Various TA selection criteria such as:
      • GPA
      • Interview Score
      • Module Grade
      • Comments
  • The system also highlights the differences between the two applicants, making it easy to see variations in their profiles.

Erroneous Outputs:

Applicant not found:
Error: One or both of the specified applicants were not found in the list.

Comparing the same applicant:
Error: Please provide distinct indices. You cannot compare the same applicant.

Comparing more than 2 applicants:
Invalid command format!
Please follow the format: compare INDEX1 INDEX2.
Parameters: INDEX (must be positive integers)

Bookmarking applicants: bookmark/unbookmark

Bookmarks/Unbookmarks a specific applicant.


bookmark INDEX / unbookmark INDEX

INDEX: The index corresponding to the applicant you want to bookmark/unbookmark. The index must be a positive integer (e.g., 1, 2, 3…).


bookmark 2

  • Bookmarks the second applicant.

Following the example above, if you entered everything correctly, you should see the following:

Before After
bookmark function UI bookmark function UI

unbookmark 2

  • Unbookmarks the second applicant.

Following the example above, if you entered everything correctly, you should see the following:

Before After
unbookmark function UI unbookmark function UI

Expected Outputs:

  • Successfully bookmarked/unbookmarked applicant at the given index.
  • Confirmation message:
    Applicant at index INDEX has been successfully bookmarked/unbookmarked.

Erroneous Outputs:

Missing index:
Invalid command format!
bookmark: Bookmarks an applicant, identified by the index number used in the last list, from all future lists of applicants.
Parameter: INDEX (must be a positive integer)
Example: bookmark 1

Index out of range:
Error: Invalid index. Please enter an index within range.

Commenting on applicant: comment

One of yours TAs is unable to make it for the interview. You want to make a comment on the applicant to remind yourself to follow up with him/her. Lets find out how to do use the comment feature to do so.



INDEX: The index corresponding to the applicant to be commented. The index must be a positive integer (e.g., 1, 2, 3…).

The index of the applicant is the number beside the applicant’s name in the list of applicants.


comment 3 c/Unable to make it for interview

  • Comments on the third applicant with the comment: “Unable to make it for interview”

Following the example above, if you entered everything correctly, you should see the following:


You have now successfully commented on the applicant. As you comment on more applicants in the list, watch out for the expected and erroneous messages below that could be displayed in the command result screen!

Expected Outputs:

  • Successfully commented on the applicant at the given index.
  • Confirmation message:
    Applicant has been successfully commented on.

Erroneous Outputs:

Invalid command format:
Invalid command format!"
"comment: Edits the comment of the person identified by the index number used in the last person listing. Existing comment will be overwritten by the input."
"Parameters: INDEX (must be a positive integer) c/ [COMMENT]"
"Example: comment 1 c/ Hardworking student

Index out of range:
Error: Invalid index. Please enter an index within range.

Files and data management

Importing applicants from spreadsheet: import

Imports an entire list of applicants along with their details from a CSV file. If applicants with the same student number already exist, they will be skipped.

Sample .csv After import
sampleCSV importUI



FILENAME: The desired filename of the CSV file to import from (including the file extension).

The first line of the CSV file should contain the column names e.g. studentNo, name in any order. It must contain all the column names as specified in the example below. The following rows should contain the data for each applicant in the order specified by the header row.

A0123486A,Jasmine David,98472983,jasmine_david@u.nus.edu,4.3,B+,deansList;pastTA
A0456123A,Sandeep Kopparthi,86753746,sandeep@u.nus.edu,5.0,B+,pastTA
A0775848D,Lim Boon Kong,97777777,boonkong@u.nus.edu,3.5,C,deansList
A0483910A,Mohammed Taufiq bin Rozaini,85535252,taufiq@u.nus.edu,4.2,A+,

Note: The CSV format supported is only a subset of the RFC 4180 CSV standard. Only text, commas and newlines are respected. No quoting or escaping is recognised by the parser.


import ta-applicants.csv

  • Imports a entire list of applicants, from a file in the CSV format called ta-applicants.csv in the same directory as the JAR file, into TAfinder.

Expected Output:

  • Successfully attached a file to the applicant at the corresponding index.
  • Confirmation message:
    Imported i applicants successfully!

Erroneous Outputs:

Missing file permissions or invalid file path:
Failed to open and load applicant file.

Attaching file to applicant profiles: attach

Attaches local files to the profiles of applicants to provide even more richness and insight into their applications.

attach function UI



INDEX: The index of the applicant to edit. The index must be a positive integer (e.g., 1, 2, 3…).

FILEPATH: The desired path of the file to attach to the applicant’s profile. This is relative to the path of the JAR file unless either / or C:\ is at the start of the path, then the path will be treated as an absolute path.


attach 2 f/john-resume.pdf

  • Attaches the file called john-resume.pdf in the same directory as the tafinder.jar file to the second applicant in the applicant list.

attach 78 f//home/jennifer/resumes/benson-resume.pdf

  • Attaches the file called benson-resume.pdf in the directory /home/jennifer/resumes to the 78th applicant in the applicant list.

Expected Outputs:

  • Successfully attached a file to the applicant at the corresponding index.
  • Confirmation message:
    Attached i attachments to name!

Erroneous Outputs:

Invalid file path or corrupted data:
Failed to copy attachment.

Any other unexpected error:
Error: Unknown error. Please contact the app developer at contact@email.com

Data Management

Saving the data

TAfinder data is saved in the hard disk automatically after any command that changes the data. There is no need to save manually.

Editing the data file

TAfinder data is saved automatically as a JSON file [JAR file location]/data/tafinder.json. Advanced users are welcome to update data directly by editing that data file.


If your changes to the data file makes its format invalid, TAfinder will discard all data and start with an empty data file at the next run. Hence, it is recommended to take a backup of the file before editing it.


Q: How do I transfer my data to another Computer?
A: Install the app in the other computer and overwrite the empty data file it creates with the file that contains the data of your previous AddressBook home folder.

Known Issues

  1. When using multiple screens, if you move the application to a secondary screen, and later switch to using only the primary screen, the GUI will open off-screen. The remedy is to delete the preferences.json file created by the application before running the application again.


Prefix Summary

Parameter Prefix Rules
Student Number s/ - Should be in the format CdddddddC,
where d represents digit and C represents capital letters.
Name n/ - Should only contain alphanumeric characters and spaces.
Phone p/ - Should only contain digits.
- Should have at least 3 digits.
Email e/ - Should only be of the form local@domain and only accept alphanumeric characters.
- local allows for special characters +, _, . and - as well.
- domain must be at least 2 letters long.
GPA g/ - Should be in the range of 0.00 to 5.00 inclusive.
- Can be given in 0, 1 or 2 decimal places.
Previous Grade pg/ - Should be one of the following: A+, A, A-, B+, B, B-, C+, C, D+, D, F.
Interview Score is/ - Should be in the range of 0.00 to 10.00 inclusive.
- Can be given in 0, 1 or 2 decimal places.
Comment c/ - No restrictions.
Tag t/ - Should only contain alphanumeric characters.
- Should not contain spaces.

Command Summary

Basic applicant management

Action Format, Examples
- e.g., add s/A0269357C n/john doe p/91234567 e/johndoe@example.com g/5.0 pg/A+ t/pastTA t/deanslist
Edit - edit INDEX [n/NAME] [p/PHONE_NUMBER] [e/EMAIL] [a/ADDRESS] [t/TAG]…​
- e.g.,edit 2 n/James Lee e/jameslee@example.com
Delete - delete INDEX
- e.g., delete 3
List - list [FIELD]
View - view INDEX
- e.g., view 3
Hide/Unhide - hide INDEX / unhide INDEX
- e.g., hide 3 / unhide 3

Applicant comparison and evaluation

Action Format, Examples
Sort - sort FIELD
- e.g., sort gpa, sort name
Compare - compare INDEX1 INDEX2
- e.g.,compare 1 2
Bookmark/Unbookmark - bookmark INDEX / unbookmark INDEX
- e.g., bookmark 3 / unbookmark 3
Comment - comment INDEX c/COMMENT
- e.g., comment 3 c/Hardworking

Data import and management

Action Format, Examples
Import - import FILENAME
- e.g., import ta-applicants.csv
Attach - attach INDEX FILEPATH
- e.g.,attach 2 john-resume.pdf